About Us

In 2019 we founded the Jiguan Pet Services (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. Jiguan primarily works towards providing various services to ensure the well- being of your pets. We’ve been working in this field for the last 5 years to give a good life to your beloved pets. We believe that pet animals are equivalent to our children. To take this idea to new heights, we’ve established this company. Jiguan Pet Services (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. is recognized by the Govt. of India as a private limited company. In the modern times Most pet- related services are not duly organized. Our aim is to co- ordinate all services that a pet deserves, under one umbrella.
We are presently working towards finding solution to all problems related to your pets that you face on a daily basis. For the time being, we are providing services related to the health of your pets, in future, we intend to provide services for other pet- related issues. Jiguan believed that just like the facilities that humans receive in a regular social set up, pets also receive such facilities, for instance, in case of failing health, and they deserve proper medical attention. However, the present available medical facilities for pets are insufficient/ inadequate so we aim at providing the required related services through a singular platform. If your pets suffer from ill- health, we provide everything to bring back their good health, as veterinarians, Para medical staff, matters related to diagnostics and we try to provide these services at reasonable costs. At present we are based only in Kolkata, soon we will spread our area of work to all corners of India.
Most centers do not provide you proper invoices for services they render. for all our services, we provide through GST invoices and at optimal prices. You can also avail our services sitting right at your homes. In modern times you are habituated to enjoying various services at the click of a button or link on your phones or personal computers. Similarly, you can obtain our services right in your homes with the click of the button or a link. For hassle-free and holistic services, get in touch with us.